Anuario Filosófico

Anuario Filosófico is a publication of the Philosophy Department of the University of Navarra, Spain. It was first published in 1968. Since its beginning, it has published the work of a significant number of both Spanish and foreign philosophers, including Jan A. Aertsen, Elizabeth Anscombe, Werner Beierwaltes, Michael Dummett, Peter Geach, Susan Haack, Friedrich Kaulbach, Ralph McInerny, Antonio Millán-Puelles, Giovanni Reale and Robert Spaemann.

Anuario Filosófico is published three times a year, amounting to 600-750 pages, including articles, notes and reviews of recent books. The journal's print-run is nearly 800 copies, which are distributed to universities, libraries, research institutions and individual subscribers throughout the world. It has exchanges with some 90 journals, is indexed in a dozen databases and its available on-line.

The articles sent to "Anuario Filosófico" are refereed by two experts that do not belong to the journal Editorial Board. 84 articles were received in the years 2009-2010. 35 out of them were accepted (41,7%), 37 rejected (44%), and 12 (14,3%) were sent back to their authors for improvement.


Editorial Board

Anuario Filosófico's Editorial Board[1] is formed by Jaime Nubiola[2], María Cerezo [3](Universidad de Murcia), Luis Xavier López Farjeat (Universidad Panamericana, México), Alejandro Vigo [4], Miguel García-Valdecasas[5] and Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe[6]. Its Advisory Board is formed by prof. Juan Arana, prof. Werner Beierwaltes, prof. Giovanni Reale and prof. Robert Spaemann.


The following database regularly register articles published by Anuario Filosófico, some offering indexes and abstracts, and some full text:

All the articles published between 1968 and 2006 can be downloaded for free from DADUN[7] (Depósito Académico Digital de la Universidad de Navarra). It is necessary to be a subscriber to download the articles published after 2006.


External links